miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Drug Dealers Make The Best Players!!!

Tetwah, one of the top players of clash of clans, uses meth to stay up all night. That proves it guys! Do drugs! You can be the best! ABSOLUTELY NOT! NEVER DO DRUGS IT IS VERY BAD AND CAN RUIN YOUR LIFE! Getting this information from Kemal's blog, another top player in coc, I don't really know if it's true, but with the details given it is very credible. Kemal was in the same clan as tetwah as before. He said that they used apps like kik or wechat to stay in touch when not in clash. While chatting in those apps they would wake up and see him talking to himself for the whole night. He used to send them pictures of excel spreadsheets on how much money he would make monthly and pictures of him with bag of meth in front of him. Not only does he take meth, but he also makes little kids sell the drugs. The reason he does this is because he is afraid of the cops catching him and he says that kids have a shorter time in jail and don't actually go to real jail. This is absolutely absurd and should never be done, especially if you are using kids to do it. Tetwah will never be forgiven by the 44 family and is currently in Bonbee Canada. I have lost all my respect I had for Tetwah and have started to seriously think about some clash players.

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